Attendance Report

A strong reporting system reduces the difficulties of controlling staff time and attendance. The relevance of having a mechanism for tracking employee attendance is to have an accurate graphical representation of everything related to hours worked and time off.

BenchStep ERP will help you to overcome this issue and will help the companies to get the access of having multiple Attendance reports at each step. The Attendance reports will help the organization to keep a track on the attendance management of the employees.

"The following are the reports under the Attendance Module."

  1. Daily Attendance Log - This report helps the HR Management to keep a track of check-in and check-out timing of employees read more...
  2. Overtime - The report will show the employees details who have worked overtime in a month read more...
  3. Weekend Worked - This report consists of the details of employees working on weekends read more...
  4. Monthly Attendance - In this report, the summary of the monthly attendance of employees will be available read more...
  5. Monthly In / Out Time Roster - Monthly in and out timing of employees will be shown along with late and early comings read more...
  6. Early Bird - This feature is designed to track employees who come in/punch in earlier than the office timing read more...
  7. Late Stay - Details of the employees staying beyond the office hours and working will be shown here read more...
  8. Binge - This report consists of the details of employees working on weekends read more...
  9. Hourly Roster - This feature helps to preview a calendar in which they can see how much work employees have completed in a day read more...
  10. Monthly Late Report - This will help in getting the details of the number of times employees have been late in a month read more...
  11. Monthly Logs - This Report will assist to get the report of each employee’s login and logout timing of the whole month read more...
  12. Daywise Logout Missed - Here the details of number of times an employee has missed the logout will be available read more...
  13. Unauthorized Login Report - HereIf employees are logging in from unauthorized IP, the data will be available in this report read more...
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