Hourly Roster

In evaluating a shift schedule, it’s important to consider both physiology and social aspects. Schedules that force employees to switch from nights to days rapidly can be physically hard on employees, while schedules that require employees to work most weekends or nights can be tough on their family and social life. This feature can also be useful for employees working for wages or getting paid per day.

“Benefits of this report”

  • This feature can strictly watch out for lazy and unproductive employees.
  • This features enables the project manager or the head to preview a calendar in where they can see how much work have they completed in a day.
  • This feature is similar to all the attendance features in our ERP.
  • Overtime will be highlighted as blue in the calendar, green for the employee working 7-9 hours, and red for the employee who is working undertime and obviously this means that they’re unproductive.
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