Early Bird

Attendance management is an important aspect within every company that has employees. Information collected through this style of reporting can determine whether the business is on the right track, and if it is headed for future success. Employees are a primary asset and companies need to know how to keep track of their time and attendance. Reporting also helps to identify who has the most absences without providing a valid reason. Employees who arrive to work on time, prepared to fulfill their duties, means that daily tasks will be fulfilled. Thorough employee attendance reporting can increase productivity and lead to higher profits. The flip side is a company that does not have supportive information to help it establish and assess goals and objectives. Information in this reporting strengthens the case for current and future needs.

“Benefits of this report”

  • This feature is uniquely designed for the sole purpose to keep track of the employees who come in/punch in earlier than the time the work is supposed to start.
  • This feature of our ERP has the same content and design as the monthly in time roster, except that all the data is highlighted in blue which represents the early check-ins of the employee.
  • By monitoring attendance, companies can determine which employees arrive early, on time or consistently late.
  • This type of information helps in decisions about which employee is dedicated towards the discipline and work culture of the company.
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