Chart of Account Details

Companies use the Chart of Account in their organization so that they can keep their financial information and all other important accounting information in one place and can use it accordingly. The interested third parties who have the potential interest in the company such as stakeholders or the investors will get the information and the financial data through the general ledgers at one place.

Chart of Account Details will show the details of the Accounts that have been created in a company. The Admin can select the group for which they want to check the Chart of Account Details. The details will include the Account group, the GL code that has been assigned to it, opening balance and closing balances of the component of the Group that has been selected and other details.

The financial accounts will get separate details of accounts based on the nature that they have such as expenditures will have a different detail of accounts, and so do the revenue, balance sheet items such as assets, liabilities, equities, and all other essential and related documents.

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